In our video tutorials section we have briefed about how to setup Online Travel Portal in few clicks with affiliate of your choice

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We have even went through the admin and explain how the admin works.

The Website can basically be divided into 3 parts

Short codes (ie, banner, search box, divider and popular destinations)

Modules are basically the services that you are going to offer, like hotels, flights, cars, tours etc. You can install the modules and their respective suppliers of your choice for an eg, we can choose between Expedia, Agoda, Travel payouts, etc for hotels, and for flights we can choose between Adivaha, travel payouts, wego, travel start etc and so is the case with cars tours and rest of the other modules

Then the third part we have covered is themes, Themes is for changing the complete design of the website whenever you install a module or a shortcode, its respective menu gets visible in the left menu. and they all have their own user interface for easy customization. So you don’t have to code anything at all Modules are the services that you are going to offer, like hotel, flights, car, tours etc. And the affiliates you wish to use for each module, For an eg, Expedia, WEGO, Travel payouts, Agoda, they all offer hotels. You can choose which supplier you wish to use for your hotel section. same is the case with flights and other modules.

The travel website can either be price comparison similar to trivago and kayak (which compares the hotels and flights prices from different suppliers) or you can have end to end booking feature into your website like agoda, Expedia or So as a suggestion, you can go with Travel payouts module if you want a price comparison site or you can use Expedia, if you want your customers to book through your site while staying in your site. There are different solutions you can choose from. We have separate videos for each affiliates.

Theme Repository – You can simply install the theme repository and choose the design that best fits your business. We understand we haven’t covered all your concern as we wanted to keep the video short.

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